A little Internet goes a long way in Africa; and the strange case of South Africa vs. Rwanda

Speaking of ‘digital divide’…. an interesting article on ICT in Africa

“Even with a similar level of government policies and “official” commitment to promote ICTs in a country, the outcomes can be wildly divergent.”

internetUsing Satellite for internet in South Sudan


Museums Turn to Technology to Boost Attendance by Millennials

An interesting NYtimes article about how museums are now using technology (bluetooth) to keep track of their audiences’ movement in the museums and furthermore, evaluate their interests and preferences.


“Internet technology presents diversions, but may also offer new ways of engaging younger visitors in art, science and history. This year many museums will install a new form of Bluetooth technology known as beacons. Patrons who download a smartphone app can be tracked within a few feet as they wander the galleries. The beacons can detect whether they’re standing at a Warhol print or a Cartier-Bresson photograph and, like a digital docent, can beam them a rich feed of information about those works, including audio talks, videos and reviews.”

Australian museum and galleries gets virtual tour treatment from Google Street View technology

Again, Google and its dedication to the art industry around the world…

“Some of Australia’s greatest cultural institutions have been digitally preserved through detailed virtual tours to educate and inspire future generations as part of a special Google initiative.”
